Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Last Week

Last week was a good week.  My gorgeous sister in law married the man of her dreams! The wedding and reception were absolutely perfect!! And I was lucky enough to get to do the beautiful brides hair and makeup for her big day! More pictures will come but here is a little preview.

I LOVE the style she decided to go with. It was so classy and so fun to do! We actually added some extensions into it just to make it that much fuller.

Thanks Alyssa for letting me be a part of your big day! Our girl chats during our hair sessions will always be something to remember! :)

The second great part of last week was I got to help throw my sister-in-laws baby shower. She is most definitely the cutest pregnant girl I have ever seen. I love Connie to pieces and was honored to help with her shower. It was such a blast. Jen from Green Apple Images did some maternity pictures for Connie awhile back and I was able to do Connie's hair and makeup for this. She let me do whatever I wanted on her (which is a dream come true for me.) We did a more basic hairstyle- pulling some of it back into a fish tail braid and leaving the rest loosely curled. And then did some fun eye makeup. Her eyes are gorgeous so it was fun to play them up with fun colors. We were going for a "peacock" look on her eyes which was perfect because of the peacock earrings she brought. :)

Told you she was gorgeous. She is actually due this week and I CANNOT wait for her baby girl to get here!! 
Well- I hope everyone is enjoying getting ready for Christmas. I know am! Until next time--

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