Saturday, October 13, 2012

Giveaway Winners!

I am so excited to announce the winners of this months giveaway!

Jodi Schlaefer- Haircut
Aubry Sorensen- Scalp Treatment

Congrats! To set up an appointment you can either call, text or email! Contact info is to the right.

New Promotion

From now until the end of October-- I am offering 20% off to every first time client on every service!
And if you just got your hair done-- no worries! As long as you schedule an appointment before the end of October, the discount is good through the end of the year!

And- if you are not a first time client then this part is for you! Refer a friend and you BOTH  will get the 20% off.
Everyone wants their hair done before the holidays right? So make sure you do your future self a favor and schedule an appointment before October 31st.

Here is a little sneak peek of my next photo shoot. Can't wait to see the professional pictures Jen took!

Hope you all enjoy your weekend! (Don't forget to vote on the poll before you leave!)

Top Knot Beauty